About Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico: a Unique Tropical Paradise with Equally Distinctive and Attractive Tax Incentives

Facts and General Information:

  • With an area of 3,500 square miles (approximately) Puerto Rico is the third largest island in the United States (after Hawaii Island-Hawaii and Kodiak Island-Alaska) and the 82nd largest island in the world

  • Puerto Rico with an estimated population of 3.2 million people is a United States jurisdiction in the Caribbean that has been historically known as an economic and social bridge between the Western Hemisphere nations. San Juan is the Capital City.

  • On March 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones Act granting U.S. Citizenship to Puerto Ricans 

  • US citizens travel domestically between Puerto Rico and the US mainland

  • Puerto Rico’s official and only currency is the US dollar

  • All U.S. banking regulations and protections provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) apply in the island of Puerto Rico

  • The jurisdiction is under the U.S. Federal Court System and Laws

  • U.S. federal law, its framework and protections apply in Puerto Rico

  • The Puerto Rican government has legislated an impressive array of incentives to attract investment

  • Due to Puerto Rico’s fiscal autonomy, the local government has been able to offer inviting tax incentives that are not available in the U.S. mainland, other states, and territories